Friday, September 24, 2010

Louis' Lunch burger recipe

In a Yelp posting, one person claimed to have knowledge of the recipe for Louis' Lunch's burgers. They say it is: 1/3 ground beef, 1/3 ground pork, and 1/3 bread crumbs (plus spices).

If one were to jazz it up, add whatever spices you would add to your favorite meatball recipe or just salt and pepper. Further, I often add a healthy hit of olive oil when shaping the burgers. This adds a healthy fat and moisture to the finished product. Plus, it will enhance the crispy exterior that many afficianados of Louis's burgers crave.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Slow Food USA is hosting a national day of action this weekend -
Saturday, Spetember 25th! Let’s celebrate the advent of Fall and help
our community gardens to get a jumpstart! There are two locations
that we will be working and afterward we will have a potluck lunch
(details below).

1) Building raised bed gardens for Stephen Foster Elementary School
When: 8:30 am
Where: 3800 NW 6th St. Gainesville. FL 32609
What: Bring a snack, water, gloves and a shovel if you have one, and
plan to help the school set up their fall gardens!

2) Highlands Presbyterian Church has 10 raised Gift Garden beds and
would like to invite the community to come help plant, tend and
harvest the Fall garden. All food form the garden will be used as a
community resource.
When: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Where: 1001 NE 16th Avenue
What: Bring your water, gloves and come out to help. Highlands will
be providing seeds and seedlings for planting, however gardeners are
also welcome to bring seeds or seedlings they would like to cultivate
in the Fall garden. Highlands will have an assortment of gardening
tools available, however if you have your own hand tools, please bring
them along. If you have questions regarding this or future involvement
with the Highlands Community Gardens, please contact Rev. Alisun
Donovan (352 214 0117) or Donna Mitchell (352 328 6579).

We hope you can join us, the workdays we will be having a potluck
lunch (doors open at 11:30) at Highlands Presbyterian Church for all
foodies and gardeners interested in conversation about community food
programs, gardens and how we can reinvigorate Slow Food Gainesville by
helping out with these types of projects.

Also, I (we) wanted to let you all know that we are renewing our
commitment to keeping our Slow Food group active! After a year of
dormancy (baby, new job, etc....) we are ready to recommit to you,
Slow Food, and helping our community move the needle for
sustainability in our food system! I hope to post at least every
couple weeks to share opportunities and ideas as I did before, will do
my best to get he website up to date and keep it more active and we
want to get more invovled with these and other community gardens as
well as start hosting farm tours and potlucks again. If you have any
info or ideas and time to share, feel free to drop us a line -

See you in the garden!
Anna and Melissa

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hawaiian Pork Chops

This is a new recipe I am working on. Any comments will be appreciated. We are enjoying the dish and find the left overs to be very tasty.


5 or so large loin or boneless pork chops
Salt and pepper
Olive oil, 3 tablespoons
1-20 ounce can, crushed pineapple
1-14.5 ounce can, diced tomatoes, drained
2-3 teaspoons, Cajun seasoning,
2 tablespoons, garlic powder
2 teaspoons, black pepper
2 teaspoons, pepper flakes
2 tablespoons, soy sauce

Heat up a large skillet on medium heat. Add olive oil and allow it to coat the pan.

Salt and pepper both sides of the chops.

Place the chops in the skillet. They should sizzle when added. If not, turn up the heat.

Sear the chops and turn after they look golden brown on one side. Do the same for the back side.

Add remaining ingredients.

Bring to a boil and then lower heat to very low. Cook slowly on the stove top, semi-covered. When the pork reaches 160 degrees turn off the heat, cover, and prepare plates.

Serve with grits or rice.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Local Food Entrepreneurs: Pay Attention to Blue Oven Kitchens

Go to Blue Oven Kitchens' site ( for the status of the incubator kitchen being planned (now known as Blue Oven Kitchens). Regular trainings are scheduled and everyone interested in expanding the local food industry should be take advantage of these opportunities.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

The Gainesville Guardian reports on new kitchen at West Coast Seafood

The new kitchen at West Coast Seafood, a new addition to their business, is cooking to order fresh seafood from their seafood market. In other words, you buy, they fry. We will be checking it out soon.

I am always looking for more seafood outlets and I plan to go back and see how West Coast rates. The garlic crabs will be high on the to-do list.

If this article's descriptions pan out, West Coast Seafood will be one more reason why Eastside Gainesville dining is the best in the city.

Will keep you posted.