Thursday, September 10, 2009

Note from Gainesville Farm Fresh's James Steele

I want to send out a thank you to Slow Food Gainesville's, Anna Prizzia and Melissa DeSa for hosting a wonderful potluck in support for the National Time For Lunch campaign to bring awareness and support to the school lunch program. The turnout was excellent and what a great assortment of dishes we had to choose from and enjoy!

We listened to Maria Eunice, director of food and nutrition services for Alachua County schools discuss the details of trying to feed students on 0.94 cents a day and the great benefit it would bring to have our legislature double the amount offered to the school lunch program.

Sean Mclendon also spoke on issues related to establishing a secure local food economy for our area, with discussion also from the attendees.

Thanks you for an enjoyable Slow Food event and do not forget, if you haven't filled out the petition, please do. You can find it online here

Start marking your calendars for September 27th, for the Fall for Local Food Expo. Citizen's Co-op will be hosting this event in coordination with that Sunday's showing of Food, Inc. See details here..

Let's all get out and support this Citizen's Co-op fundraising event and make it a success!


Gainesville Farm Fresh

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